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Frame. Carved wood. Late 17th century-early 18th century. Rectangular frame that presents a “base structure” of straight lines, combining moldings of different widths and finishes (on the inside, a gold band with fine plant details towards the corners; next, a thin red one, and another wider green one, these last two imitating marble; on the outside, another fine gold molding), enhanced with a series of carvings of plant elements in the corners (symmetrical composition), two ovoid elements on the longer sides and a very elaborate cresting with plant elements, rocailles, volutes, flowers and imitation fabrics (which are joined with those ovoid elements mentioned). The combination of red, green and gold is common in certain types of frames (compare, for example, the terracotta from Salamanca made around the middle of the 16th century by Juan de Juni, which is preserved in the Victoria and Albert Museum). A series of carvings with a lot of movement and depth have been added to it, showing the influence of the Baroque (it recalls in certain details works such as the frame of the Immaculate Conception by Alonso Cano in the Cathedral of Malaga).
· Size: 138x28x196 cms, Int. 86x128 cms.
Ref.: ZF0582
Frame. Ebonized wood, metal. Dutch school, 17th century. It has faults. Slightly rectangular frame made of ebonized wood and decorated with a series of smooth mouldings of different widths that decrease in height towards the interior. It is worth highlighting both the depth of the frame and the two pieces of metal (with particular shapes and a crest on the outside) that serve to hang it on the wall. Both in its colour and in the decoration mentioned above, the piece follows Dutch models, very popular during the 17th century Baroque practically throughout Europe, and frames were made in other schools following these prototypes. Compare, for example, with the frame of the “Portrait of a Gentleman” by Hans Memling in the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection (a Flemish piece, made of ebonized wood); or, in the same collection, with the frame of the work “Winter Scene with Skaters and Sleds in Front of a City” by Ruysdael; or with the “Vase of Tulips” by Philippe de Marlier and Frans Francken in the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum.
· Size: 86,5x11x110 cms. Int 56x73 cms
Ref.: ZF1353
Lot consisting of strips and frame (lintel and two jambs) in carved gilded and polychrome wood. Decoration of plant motifs with golden scrolls on a green background. 17th century
· Size: 175x160 cms.
Ref.: Z3395
Frame. Carved, polychrome and gilded wood. 16th century. Carved, polychrome and gilded wooden frame made from different elements with a marked Renaissance influence, resulting in an architectural composition with a stepped base, two fluted pilasters with volutes on the sides and an upper finish formed by another stepped entablature and a triangular pediment with three balls on another narrower entablature.
· Size: 143x34x160 cms.
Ref.: Z0876
Polychrome and gilded wood frame. Late 18th century. Rectangular frame with golden rocailles on a red background and elements related to the Passion of Christ in shields in the corners and centre of the longer sides: dice, nails, bag (with Judas' coins), mallet and tongs, cross with lances and two whips. These motifs clearly show that it was made to highlight a religious painting of the Passion, probably in a private chapel given the lack of relief, and the strong relationship of the work with the Rococo.
· Size: 187x3x87 cms LUZ 51X154 cms.
Ref.: Z3627
Frame. Carved and gilded wood. 18th century. Rectangular frame made of carved and gilded wood that combines a thin smooth band on the inside, with another carved band with a band and another on the outside, in which smooth areas are combined with delicate plant details (these in the same finish as the rest of the molding, highlighted on a striped background). Nowadays, the value and appreciation of frames is on the rise due to the search for them by museums and important institutions, with the aim of giving the works the frames they would have had originally. Hence, similar examples are found in some paintings by Vermeer, for example, or can be found in the Metropolitan Museum in New York, in the Louvre Museum, in the British Museum and in the Victoria & Albert in London, etc.
· Size: 75x6x58 cms. / 50x38 cms.
Ref.: ZE225
Frame. Gilded and polychrome wood. 17th century. It presents loss in the lower left area. Frame made of carved wood, gilded and polychromed in certain areas, with decoration based on bands (alternating plain ones with others with vegetal and architectural elements) and a relief at the top with vegetal and architectural motifs, combining polychromy with gilding in this area and below. Note the similarity between the decoration and lines of this piece and certain Spanish Baroque altarpieces of the 17th century.
· Size: 105x16,5x101,5 / int 81x57 cms.
Ref.: ZF0631
Frame. Carved and gilded wood. 17th century. Frame for a tondo (the interior space is circular) made of carved and gilded wood, decorated with architectural reliefs of classical influence and a wavy edge on the outside. In ancient times, frames were usually made for a specific work, so the present case would be designed for a work of circular format (note the gap on the back).
· Size: 36x3,5x37 cms. / Int: 25x25 cms.
Ref.: ZF0877
Pair of frames. Wood. 20th century. Pair of carved wooden frames decorated on the front with a composition of mouldings of different widths, all smooth, combining straight and curved shapes.
· Size: 152x7x172 cms.
Ref.: Z3959
Frame. Ebonized wood. Dutch school, 17th century. It has faults. Wall frame made of ebonized wood and decorated with a series of smooth mouldings of different widths, as is usual in pieces from this school of northern Europe during the 17th century. On the back it has a metal piece for hanging it on the wall.
· Size: 72x9x85 cms. Int 46x56 cms
Ref.: ZF1333
Frame. Carved, gilded and polychrome wood. Spanish school, 18th century. It has some fault. Carved wooden frame decorated with a series of mouldings (some striped, others with dots) with a great movement of lines and a series of vegetal elements in light relief. The areas finished in gold alternate and are enhanced by several bands with red polychrome, thus highlighting the work. Note also the unions of the pieces that make up the work on the back and the crest located on the outside.
· Size: 59x9x64,5 cms. int: 21x26,5 cms.
Ref.: ZF1339
Frame. Carved wood. 17th century. It has faults. Rectangular frame made of carved wood that still retains part of its original polychromy. As was usual in various European schools since the Renaissance (particularly the Italian one, but also the Spanish one, for example), it is decorated with a series of smooth mouldings of different widths, arranged leaving a smooth strip.
· Size: Ext 175x95 cm Int: 1.55x74 cms.
Ref.: Z6224
Pair of frames. Wood, stucco. 19th century. Pair of rectangular frames made of carved and gilded wood decorated with a series of mouldings of different widths, some smooth and flat, others smooth and curved and two decorated with elements of classicist influence in light relief.
· Size: 42x5x34,5 cms . int 22,5x14,5 cms.
Ref.: Z2240
Rococo frame. Gilded wood. 18th century. Rectangular frame made of carved and gilded wood, and decorated in the corners and the centres of the sides with carvings of architectural elements, plants and rocaille. The contrast between the smooth mouldings of the sections without carvings and the latter, the absence of a crest and the asymmetry present in the piece are striking. The latter was common in the early Rococo period, an artistic style born in France that developed, above all, between 1730 and around 1760.
· Size: 100x3x121,5 cms. Int 76x99,5 cms
Ref.: ZF1336
Frame. Carved and polychrome wood. 17th century. It has faults. Rectangular frame with smooth mouldings of different widths and tones on the inside and a flat area on the outside, stepped outwards and with right-angled widenings at the corners. Note the polychromy it presents, reminiscent of marbling. On the back, it has a metal piece to place it on the wall.
· Size: 29,5x5x34,5 cms. int:20x15 cms
Ref.: ZF1359
Frame. Carved, polychrome and gilded wood. 18th century. It has faults. Rectangular frame made of carved wood with a black area flanked by two gold areas on the outside and inside of the piece, with a flat area in both colours and another different one, again in both finishes. Stylistically, it is reminiscent of examples common in many European schools since the Renaissance.
· Size: 85x6x140 cms. Int 68x123,5 cms
Ref.: ZF1338
Frame. Carved and gilded wood. 18th century. Rectangular frame with a semicircular top in the centre, crowned by a composition with leaves and elements of the Passion of Christ (Crown of Thorns, Nails, etc.) decorated with a series of bands, alternating plain ones with two different strings of pearls. Although the 18th century is known for Rococo, it is not the only artistic style of the period: the decoration and shapes of the frame show a closer relationship with ancient Roman art, a common influence in Neoclassicism.
· Size: 44x8x81 cms
Ref.: ZF0527
Art Nouveau or modernist frame. Carved wood. Circa 1900. Rectangular landscape frame made of carved wood decorated with wings on the upper part and a series of architectural and plant elements arranged asymmetrically across the surface of the piece. Note also the openwork areas. Stylistically, it responds to models of Modernism or Art Nouveau, an artistic style that emerged in Europe (with variations by country) around 1900 and is highly appreciated.
· Size: 105x11x77 cms. Int 86x53 cms
Ref.: ZF1337
18th century
· Size: 73x102
Ref.: Z0766
· Size: 49,5x41,5 / int: 25x27 cms.
Ref.: Z0307
Frame. Brass, textile, glass. 19th century. Rectangular frame with a table stand and a ring for hanging on the back. The front features a decoration divided into two bands with architectural elements of classical influence in brass, between which (inside the glass) there is a band with flowers and stems embroidered on a textile. The work is finished off with a crest with two torches, bows and plant elements.
· Size: 19,5x2x27 cms. int: 12x16 cms.
Ref.: ZF1156
Frame with mirror. Wood, glass, metal. Spanish school, 19th century. Dark wood frame with a smooth band between two of fine mouldings reminiscent of old examples of English influence. The mirror sheet shows the oxidation that is common in this type of work when they are old, adding value to the whole with these unique changes.
· Size: 56x3,5x67 cms. Int 31x41,5 cms
Ref.: ZF1332C
Frame. Wood. 18th century. It has faults and damages. Rectangular frame made of carved wood and decorated on the front with fine mouldings and curved extensions at the corners, in which plant and architectural motifs with a strong classicist influence can also be seen.
· Size: 51,5x3x69 cms. Int 43x62 cms
Ref.: ZF136805
Frame. Wood. 19th century. It has damage. Rectangular frame made of wood and decorated on the front with combinations of other wood drawing parallel lines on the sides and simple geometric elements in the corners. On the back, it has a metal piece to hang it on the wall.
· Size: 48x2x53 cms. Int 36,5x41 cms
Ref.: ZF1332L