Antiques -
Reference: ZF0445

Courtiers and cage. Enameled porcelain. Johann Joachim model. Around 1800 Enameled porcelain figure with a base resembling rocks and a couple of lovers dressed in the style of the 18th century, with the boy extending his left hand towards a large bird cage. The piece is very similar to figures titled “Lovers with Cage” made by Du Paquier (who opened a porcelain factory in Vienna in 1719) in 1737 and of which examples are preserved in the Metropolitan Museum of New York or the Indianapolis. Museum of Art. In turn, Du Paquier took his inspiration from works carried out in Meissen thanks to Johan Joachim Kaendler around 1736-1740 (varying in details such as replacing the German table with the Viennese cage in some examples). , or colors, for example). If you compare the present work with the works of Du Paquier, you can see notable similarities in postures, elements, etc., but also important differences (color, details, base of the figure...).

· Size: 14x12x13 cms.

1.800 €

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